Let’s talk about everybody’s favorite topic shall we? GOVERNMENT.
Just kidding…sorta. We’re checking out Durham City Hall, my largest civic architectural photography assignment to date.
Downtown Durham, North Carolina is experiencing a second building Renaissance, the Tobacco District serving as catalyst to revitalizing the local urban fabric. In the last several months I’ve shot three projects in the heart of downtown – this aerial shows how the area has kept me employed. You can read more about 120 W. Parish in one of my older blogs entries.
(credit: Sasha Berghausen, Blok Architecture)
RND Architects was tasked with re-cladding the existing city hall exterior, which was originally designed by one of my architecture professors. It’s had a mixed reception over the years. If you’d like to see the original facade, check out Emporis. RND re-worked the entry-ways and implemented a metal cladding system.
It was a pretty complex photography assignment for an exteriors-only project in more ways than I prefer to mention, so…not much to say on this blog. BUT YO CHECK IT OUT, IT’S METAL NOW!