Went with my friend Karin to the ’09 North Carolina State Fair on opening afternoon. Upon entering the gates was a very patriotic man on stilts.
Speaking of patriotism, the refreshing thing about this year’s state fair is that it wasn’t in an election year! Thank goodness because last year was going to drive me crazy with the great flocks McCain-Palin t-shirt bearing supporters. They were everywhere, I’m shocked McCain lost this state. If I heard ONE more person claiming that Obama was a Muslim terrorist and that he was going to blow up the White House I was going to have to clock them with my camera tripod and file a restraining order. This was such a wonderful change of pace that I’ve already decided I’m only going to fairs during non-presidential election years. So…sorry, NC State Fair 2012.
There were some Obama caricature dolls. And quite frankly – I’m not sure how to react to these, especially underneath what kinda looks like Care Bears, but you can’t help but stare at them.
It was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain, and not too crowded. The perfect opportunity to get some fried eats without long lines and crowds. Just…not those fried eats.
This was some of the gaggle of fried concoctions available at this year’s State Fair. I decided to go outside of my comfort zone and try the Fried Oreos; they were six Oreos coated with fried batter. I dared to take a big bite into one-
-and was pleasantly surprised. This cholesterol-busting treat was delicious! I took a second. And a third. And by the third decided that this was too much for rational human consumption and really needs to be shared with another 2 or 3 friends. With lots of water. And maybe a portable defibrillator. WWWHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAWAAYYYYYYYYYYYYTOOOOOOMUCH SUGGGGGGGGGGGGARRRRRRRRRR!!! I surely had to lose at least three weeks of my life with those.
Karin DID find the chocolate-covered bacon. It was called Pickled…Something. I don’t remember. We asked if we could take a look and see what it was…the woman in the booth obliged. And there it was – chocolate-covered bacon on a stick. I think we both shriveled our nose. The woman didn’t seem amused.
Ah, poor Joe Carnevale. Of Barrel Monster and Angry Man fame, he was outed after being arrested earlier this year. I can’t help but wonder if he misses the edge of being outside of the law as opposed to being universally accepted. Now hes gone mainstream – art shows, media coverage, requests for new barrel monsters…not that he had much choice, mind you. Because dude can never do that again. Can you image the authorities looking at some sort of illegal crazy-faced installation, scratching their collective foreheads? “What? The violator used a getaway car covered with bottle caps? Officer Johnson, get out the fingerprint kit, we MUST find out who did this.”
Some of the rides weren’t up yet and many of the vendors were still setting up. But today was really more of a junk-food seeking venture than anything else.
After we left the State Fair I immediately began my travel to the state of Texas. I’m happy to say that the Fried Oreos did not cause me to overdose on the highway.